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Excavation and Off-Site Disposal of Contaminated Shallow Soil and Sediment

The Beede Site Group (BSG) will excavate and dispose of contaminated surface and subsurface soils (to a depth of up to 10 feet below ground surface) that exceed the Soil Cleanup Levels identified in the EPA’s Record of Decision (ROD). The excavation and disposal of contaminated surface and subsurface soils is scheduled to be completed in about 1 year but it could easily exceed that planned execution time.  In addition to the excavation work, piles of soil that are on the site also will be removed.

Active removal of surface/shallow soil contaminants (i.e., 0 to 2 feet below ground surface (bgs) and subsurface soil contaminants (i.e., 2 to 10 feet bgs) will be completed by the BSG via excavation and off-Site disposal. Post excavation confirmation sampling/analysis will be conducted after excavation is complete in each area.

Excavation activities will be conducted up to 10 feet bgs at both hot spot and non-hot spot areas that have been identified at the site (Enpro).

A. Hot Spot Excavations

The BSG will excavate and dispose soil “hot spots” that contain polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) and/or metals (primarily lead) at concentrations requiring disposal as Toxic Substances Control Act (TSCA) (i.e., PCB > 50 parts per million (ppm)) and/or Resource Conservation and Recovery Act (RCRA) hazardous waste. Based on the pre-design investigation activities, the estimated volume of “hot spot” soils to be excavated is approximately 4,600 cubic yards. If sampling results confirm that the soils are hazardous, they will be treated on site and disposed at a facility certified to deal with the waste.  The BSG will collect a sufficient number of samples from each completed excavation area for laboratory analysis to confirm removal of soils exceeding the Soil Cleanup Levels identified in the ROD.

B. Non-Hot Spot Soil Excavation

The BSG will excavate and dispose non- “hot spot” soils from 0 to 10 feet bgs with contaminant concentrations above the Soil Cleanup Levels identified in the ROD, but at concentrations that do not require treatment/disposal as TSCA-hazardous and/or RCRA-hazardous waste. The estimated soil volume based on pre-design investigation activities of 64,200 cubic yards in this disposal category (i.e. PCBs 1 to 49 ppm, low lead) represents the majority of the contaminated soil volume on-site. This soil is located over the majority of the developed portion of Parcel 1.

Following excavation, the BSG will perform adequate confirmation sampling and analysis throughout the non-“hot spot” surface soil area to confirm and document the removal of soils exceeding the Soil Cleanup Levels identified in the RO.